Post 7: Marcela Retamales

Dancer and Dance Teacher,  graduated from the Universidad de Artes y Ciencias Sociales between 90-95. She received her bachelor of rts in 2007. Along with her undergraduate career, she has undergone a process of continuous improvement and training in different areas of dance by conducting courses, workshops and seminars with Chilean and foreign professionals: Carmen Beuchat, Mark Heim, Wally Cardona, Barbara Grebel, Nienke Riehorst, Nelson Avilés, Sara Vial, as well as Iyengar Yoga studies developed between 2002 and 2004 at the "Yoga Mukti" school led by renowned teacher Rishi Joseph.

She has taught at Universidad Arcis, Universidad de Chile and Universidad de las Américas, teaching classes for students of the Dance Pedagogy Career and senior dance interpreter.

As a dancer since 1995 she has worked with various choreographers and national choreographers, such as Carmen Beuchat, Verónica Varas, Nelson Avilés, Daniela Marini, Luz Condeza, Sara Vial, Sonia Araus and Paulina Mellado. He has danced in countless choreographies, two of which have won important prizes nationwide. "Miradas cruzadas".
She interests me because she is an excellent dancer and pedagogue, last year she was my teacher and thanks to her I learned a lot about the contemporary technique, his way of relating to students is very close and that predisposes you to be more attentive and alert in class.

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